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Bridging the Gap: Empowering Homebuyers with QBI, LLC's Revolutionary Mortgage-Prequalification Tool

Throughout my career, I’ve assisted thousands of homebuyers across America. In the vast mosaic of their stories, a recurrent theme emerges – a gap in the system that often overlooks potential homeowners. This gap is not just a mere oversight, but a stark underrepresentation of particular groups in the pursuit of the American dream: owning a home. I founded QBI, LLC to address this void and to challenge a persistent, unspoken bias in the mortgage industry.

Let’s be clear about something: homeownership isn’t just about owning a piece of property. It’s about stability, legacy, and building wealth. For many, it’s a step into a future of possibilities. Yet, a significant portion of prospective buyers, especially those who need down payment assistance or who are young or belong to minority groups, are often sidelined even before they can step onto the playing field.

Statistical bias – it’s a term not many like to acknowledge. But the truth is, when the mortgage industry looks at numbers, they sometimes see potential buyers from underserved markets as ‘risky investments’. These biases, whether overt or covert, result in thousands of qualified, eager homebuyers being left behind.

Enter QBI, LLC at our 24/7 mortgage-prequalification tool for mortgage lenders at

Our web-based platform reimagines the initial steps of the home-buying journey. Instead of waiting for a loan officer to assess their eligibility, potential buyers can take matters into their own hands. They complete a swift self-assessment, inclusive of a soft credit pull, that gives them an understanding of their credit score range. This knowledge not only empowers them but offers transparency, bridging the communication gap between buyers and lenders.

Furthermore, by providing loan officers with unique URLs and QR codes, which can be shared through real estate agents or various advertising mediums, the QBI app amplifies outreach. It is an efficient tool that actively draws in those who have been underrepresented and underserved.

As founder, my vision is rooted in a deeply personal commitment to helping individuals achieve responsible homeownership. I believe in the transformative power of a home – its potential to grant stability and catalyze wealth creation. This belief drives QBI, LLC’s  mission to ensure that everyone, irrespective of their background, has a fair shot at this dream.

In conclusion, the QBI app isn’t just a tool – it’s a movement. It’s a challenge to the industry to look beyond mere statistics and recognize the vast potential lying dormant in thousands of hopeful homeowners. Together, we can change the narrative and create a more inclusive, equitable space for everyone dreaming of their perfect home. 

As I learned years ago when I founded and launched the Nehemiah Program, the nation’s first national, privately-funded down payment assistance program, certain tools are not for everyone. But I also learned that if you give the right people the right tools, they will do the rest.  Our CEO, Robert Locke, is beginning to build a national team of loan officers and real estate professionals who both use and want to help promote the QBI app.  Please reach out to him at if you are interested in learning more.   Maybe this is the right tool for you.

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